Sunday, January 31, 2016

I can't believe it! In two days I will be boarding a plane to the US for 7 months of furlough. These years have flown by fast. This time I return a graduated accountant and a year older. Lots happened in this last week. I will just have to wait until my return to Brazil in September to pick up the diploma and certified accountant card to prove the accountant part. I really miss being a part of the Teen Carnaval (Get away) Retreat and our Annual Church Family Camp at Easter. Instead I will be traveling with Juliane, my English student, around Northern CA and then spending time with family in MI. Special moments. Moments to treasure. Just hold on folks I'll be there soon! Just need to survive the whirlwind of the last two days first!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Happy New Year! Praise the Lord for His abundant mercies and grace during the past year. Can't wait for the adventures  of knowing Him more in the year to come. How about you guys?