Wednesday, May 4, 2016

I think it is time for an update! I am thankful for the safety the Lord has given as I have traveled over the last two months. This month will another of intense traveling. March I was heading east starting on March 3rd from Eureka, CA. I ended up in Springfield, IL for the BGFM Spring Banquet. It was encouraging to visit at the home office and see some of the other missionaries again. Then Helio and Shirlei Souza joined me for the next several weeks of traveling. It has been an adventure as they discover the US and the great variety of people, climates, scenery, and food we have in our country. After two weeks in MI we began our travels west. So after this week we will hit the west coast next Monday. I am super excited that I will see my parents again in a few days. A special thanks to every one who has hosted us along the way. These have been unforgettable weeks sharing memories and fellowship. Here are a few pictures of my adventures on the way over the last two months!

with the family of God.